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CYBERPUNK 2020 VEHICLES! – Core Rules – Cyberpunk 2077 Lore!

October 24, 2020
Author: PunkMaster
Greetings again! This time I go over the core Cyberpunk 2020 vehicle rules. Yes, there's more detail in Maximum Metal and else where but this video is just core. Want a deeper dive? Max Metal Vehicles? Drop a comment and let me know!Video Timestamps0:00 Intro0:40 Examples of skill checks0:59 Don't need a skill check?1:47 Skill check formula2:15 Target numbers3:08 Control modifiers3:55 Failure IS an option5:28 Vehicle weapons6:40 Vehicle damage SP & SDP8:15 Crash! Vehicle and occupant damage9:25 Weight modifier table10:50 Bonus! Grenade Table?11:30 Format preference?12:00 Super Cool Outro12:45 Still Here? Bonus Part deux14:29 Outro... For reelsFREE Cyberpunk 2020 Character Sheet!https://r.punkgenerator.com/cp2020-sheet Greetings again, Choomba, hello. This time, I know some of you have been waiting for it, some of you been asking for it. Here it is. We're going to talk about vehicles. We're going to talk about the simplified rules from the Cyberpunk twenty twenty core main book. I know there's some more detail you get into maximum metal. Believe the old Soldier of Fortune book. Some of the others have some more detail, some more specifics, more complicated rules.We're not worried about that in this video. We're talking about the core main book only, so. There it is. There you go. Let's go, basically, OK, you're going to make a big roll or dive in an aircraft.You want to make a cool parking spin and park type of thing with your car. You're being shot at. You're trying to avoid it. You're trying to make a turn at a very high rate of speed while any of these things are going to require a skill check. Now, I was going to say basic maneuvers, as a ref, basic stuff. You know, if you're not in combat, you're not being chased. You're not driving in an extraordinary high rate of speed for the road, for the situation.If you've got if you've got at least a five, six or so, five or six driving skill or piloting skill or whatever it is you're using, if you've got at least the five or six in it, you don't need to make a check for those things unless there's some specific reason to. Something's going on. Dirt road and you're not, you know, dirt road and you're driving 100 kilometers an hour. You're more likely you'll need to make a skill check than if you're on perfect pavement on the expressway going 100.Right. OK, so. Basically, here is the skill check stuff, it's your reflexes, it's whatever the skill is, it's appropriate for the vehicles of driving a motorcycle or the piloting skill. If you use some fixed wing or whatever it is. Right. It's your reflexes, the skill number, a die 10 and then whatever modifiers will need to be applied, which we'll talk about modifiers here in just a minute. Now. The skill check, whatever you roll, whatever you told him modifiers going to be excuse me, is going to be against these.All right is a simple thing. You're trying to do a difficult thing. You try and do a very difficult thing you're trying to do. I would even in some cases, I've added nearly impossible. Some player wants to do something absolutely insane with a vehicle, with their aircraft or whatever it is. I'll give them the opportunity to do it. That role might be versus a thirty or thirty five, which is very damn hard to get unless they put a pile of luck into it, you know, or something.But it's possible. So anyway, there you go. Those are the basic numbers, depending on what you are trying to do. I won't go through them all because you guys can read them. They're right there. OK, here we go. We're going to move on now. The modifier mentioned there were some modifiers to what you might do. There they are. If you get a regular car, if you got a limo, limos, if you ever driven a limo, drop me comment.Let me know if you've ever driven a limo. But you know their pain in the ass to drive their freakin big. Another thing, it's not on this list specifically, but I'd say like an RV, a motor home or something. The pain in the ass to drive. They're big, they're bulky, they're clunky. You're going to have a negative to your skill check or to add an additional modifier to your. Target number, depending on how your Ref wants to calculate it, but point is, it's more tough or more difficult.So there's those now. The other things we go on here that might happen if you fail, say your difficulty for this particular maneuver is a 20 and you get a 19, you have failed your role. So what happens? You roll the dice six and you look at this chart right here, that's what happens. Now, this chart, again, is pretty straightforward. Some things can happen. I'm going to mention a little bit more about slew in just a moment.I had to look that one up, to be honest. Could be a major shift. You could roll your ground if the ground vehicle. You could roll it. Yeah, you could lose a whole lot of altitude.You may go into a flat spin right now if you're a pilot. A flat spin, as I understand it, is about the most difficult thing to pull out of as an aircraft pilot. You are a pilot, you know, something that is harder to get out of as far as something might happen if you lose control. The aircraft drop in the comments. Let me know. I appreciate it. Be good for other refs to have have another thing they could describe and also want to mention, if you want a more in-depth list of what could happen, you know, more detail, longer list, more things, more options.Let me know on the comments about that as well. I'm putting together I've got one that I've used now and then in my own games, but, you know, clean it up, polish it off, make it available in some way. If you guys are interested, let me know. All right. So we've mentioned that stuff now. Next thing I want to mention, oh, is what weapons what weapons could this vehicle have for you to attack?Well, obviously, you could use the vehicle as a weapon, right? That's one big thing you could use. You could also in this commonly found is lasers, lasers attached to the vehicle. Right. You got big heavy machine guns. You could have missiles. You could have rail guns attached mounted to your vehicle. You may have a turret machine gun. OK, now for Ref's, you got to keep in mind, depending on what kind of weapon it is, depending on how it is mounted, the vehicle determines if it is the driver, if it's pointed straight ahead, straight to one side, straight back, it's the driver that's aiming it or is it whoever's manning the weapon that's aiming it?All right. But that depends upon the situation up to the ref to figure out how they want to handle it. Again, if you're just using these rules, don't make it too complicated. Don't make it too hard. We're talking about these are relatively simplified rules to just let you do some vehicle combat without getting into too much detail and getting too far into the weeds, so to speak, on it. Right. OK. Vehicle damage now vehicles have both SP and SDP now if the vehicle's armored, it has SP should say, and Armor's just like armor on your character.OK, if the vehicle is going to take damage, you take it off the SP first. Whatever gets through, it goes to the SDP. Now, the book doesn't specifically mention this. Again, these are simplified rules, but like with a character's armor, I would say at any time something gets through the armor of the vehicle, that armor is reduced by a point. You might as a ref, if it's a heavily armored vehicle, you might say it's reduced by a die four for die six or whatever, whatever works for you.But again, the book says book doesn't have that stuff. It assumes armor is good because this is simplified rules. SDP now that's the structural points of the vehicle. When you run out of structural points, vehicles done. We're talking about that scene at the end and well towards the end of Blues Brothers with the vehicle and it falls apart. You run out of SDP points you're vehicle is done. Aircraft. If you're still in the air, you're in deep caca.Right?OK, moving on. That's what happened. Oh, I'm going to put up the formula. You know what? I did do this. Let's throw it up there. There it is. All right. Damage minus any SP assuming the vehicle's armored SP. all that gets removed from the SDP of the vehicle when you get zero SDP. It's done all right now. The next thing we're going to talk about is the let me see this one here.Yeah, there we go. What happens? What happens when you well.You run into something, how much damage does the vehicle take? How much damage do the occupants take. Well, there you go. That's the formula. If you're going one hundred kilometers an hour, divide it by twenty is five. Right. So it's five die six. And then you got any modifiers? We'll talk about those in just a moment, because depending on the weight of the thing you're hitting determines any modifiers. But whatever this comes out to, it reduces the SDP of the vehicle.And also the occupants take half. So five die six, say, rolled completely, average of three on each. that'd be 15 points, 15 points off the SDP of the vehicle. Half of that always round down. So seven, all the occupants take seven points. Wouldn't be a fun day, but there you go. There's that. So the next thing and modifies that number, though, before you apply it, you've got to apply modifiers.There's always modifiers here. They're OK if you're running into a small box, something almost something inconsequential. But you figure it does cause some damage, but it's almost inconsequential. Point five. So you're actually so instead of that fifteen point, you're starting with seven, seven and a half or eight depending how your Ref wants play it. I always round down. If you're talking about a light individual, you're hitting a big box of a refrigerator box with the refrigerator in it, that's just considered straight damage, no modifier, basically times one.If you hit something a medium size, for example, a motorcycle, you double the damage. If you're hitting another car, you'd triple it. OK, if you're hitting something very heavy, a truck, you're hitting your aircraft, you hit the ground, ground vehicle, hit a wall, you hit a building, something that's not likely to give you much give or give very much. You're going to tell you that damage is going to do the occupants to the vehicle.It's times four. So there's times four. As an example, if we used our example from earlier, 100 kilometers an hour, divided by twenty is five, five die six.And times four, so there you go, there is all of that now, a one other bonus fact I wanted to give you here, I use if depending on the results of a skid or an aircraft going to control. Flat Spin, OK, whatever. Anyway, so I'm going to control you want to roll for what direction do you end up assuming they the driver, the pilot pulls it back, gets it back under control. What direction are you now traveling?Where are you now headed? Here's the bonus, the granade table. Use the grenade table. It can give you a direction. Just give you a direction where things are now headed, what's now going on. And by the way, in case you're wondering, there was some some question, some discussion on this in some of the forums. So I want to ask let me know, please. Do you prefer a video like this where you're sort of looking at me and I'm doing the talking head thing?Or would you prefer a video like some of the others I've done or I just ran a trailer or ran some other video? That's cool. While I did a voiceover and talked about this stuff. Let me know. Let me know in the comments. All right. I appreciate you're watching. Thanks for watching. Thanks for subscribing... See you in the next video.But our story is just beginning. [music and sound affects] Wake the fuck up, Samurai. We have a city to burn. Mm, mm hmm. What you're so. You're still watching the shit. All right, you're so fortunate you get a bonus, you get another bonus. All right, we're going to do some more. Hold on. I'll be right back. Oh, OK. OK, we're back now. We have something going on, we're getting close, OK, as a recording, we're at about 200 give or take 200 subs on YouTube.Now we hit 250. We're going to do some deals. It's going to be some discounts in. Maybe some free stuff too we'll see maybe maybe maybe some free stuff when we hit 250, we got to do it quick. We do it soon enough. There will be some cool stuff in Black Friday's coming up. There's going to be some stuff there to cool stuff, right?OK, so, yeah, that's all the stuff. It's all there. Check it out.Free 2020 character sheet. It's there.Thank you for watching. Thanks for subscribing. Thank you.All right. 250, 250 subs.That's the number right now. The next big milestone, 500 and then a thousand each one. We're going to do some cool shit. We're going to give way some stuff... Maybe maybe we're going to give away some stuff.We'll see. We'll see. There's going to be some discounts. There's going to be some other fun stuff. Check it out. All right. See you next video. We finish the job. But our story is just beginning. Wake the fuck up, Samurai. We have a city to burn.